Saturday, July 21, 2007

Even adults can cave to peer pressure

A week or so ago the neighbors and I were outside. Just sitting in the yard enjoying each others company and the sweltering heat. As we watched the children melt into the blistering hot asphalt someone mentioned that they haven't had a really good peanut butter chocolate chip cookie in a really long time. So I told them that I make one hell of a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie (well, I do) and would bake some up as soon as I got enough peanut butter.

Well, I finally made it to the hundred dollar store and stocked up on some peanut butter worthy of my tasty creation this last week. And then raided the local Sprouts for chocolate chips since Sunflower is no longer open on my side of town. Sad really. I did this all during the week knowing that I can look forward to a big bake off come this Saturday morning. Weekends are my baking days since I started on that SRP saving energy program. Although I have been diligent with not using the utilities I do not see much of a savings as of yet.

I must mention here that I do have a rather nasty sinus infection at the moment. Add to that one son climbing into bed with us late last night. On top of two daughters that, upon sharing a bed at one point in the middle of the night, thought subconsciously it would be a good idea to pee the bed together while sleeping. So I woke early this morning, just as the sun began to rise, to the two discussing which sheets they should replace the wet ones with. Needless to say I had very little restless sleep last night and decided to put them all in front of the TV while I slept in a bit.

At least that is what I thought I did with them. You see, when I decided to go ahead, in my sicky state of being, and make the cookies something was missing. I gathered all the ingredients out of the cupboards and fridge. Being sure that all was here before cracking one egg or pouring any peanut butter. And thank the heavens I did. For I could not find the chocolate chips any where. I knew I had put them up in the top cupboard. So sneaky hands would not pillage the land of yummy chocolate. Obviously I need to find another hiding spot. I called all three of my children into the kitchen to drill the truth out of them. To my surprise Thing Two chimed in rather quickly and asked me to follow him because he knew where they were. The gourmet cook inside of me just screamed and cried and threw the butcher knife across the room when my feet led me to the backyard. The hot and melty backyard. And there on the kids picnic bench lay my chocolate chipless glob of a bag.

My plans for the day ruined, I went about moping and being sick and complaining that, "there will never be another cookie made in this house again!" Or at least until the Lord of the House got home so I can go to the store to buy more chocolate chips. So the day turned into the evening and I sweetly tucked my terrible three into their beds and waited for the Lord of the House to arrive home. I popped some popcorn and uncapped a bottle of coke (the kind from Mexico that has real sugar in it instead if HFC) and settled down to the great musical Chicago. I only get to the fourth musical set, you know, the one where the seven death row inmates tell their stories of how they did it, when he gets home. Earlier than I expected. But that is what DVD's and pause are for, right? So I kiss him goodbye and take my list to the local market.

It had choc chips, vanilla, flour and a roast, because the Lord of the House is wanting pot roast for dinner. But of course I bought a few other things that were not on it. Who doesn't? They were tortillas, strawberries, bananas, cake flour, straws and the new Harry Potter book. Dammit! I couldn't help myself! It was there! Right there! Right where you walk into the store! Just staring at me! Begging me to buy it! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh the peer pressure of it all!

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