Monday, July 16, 2007

Surprise! It's a New Moon

The New Moon was on the 14th. I mulled over rituals in my head. Thinking how nice it would be to feel that energy that comes from high Magick. Knowing that practice makes perfect. And on the 14th New Moon came. And the New Moon went. And not much of a ritual was performed. No circle drawn. No candles were lit. No incense burned. No Quarters called. No Goddess and God called upon. No cakes and ale served. No Blessed Be muttered. Nothing.

Nothing but the mundane. Nothing but the normal routine happenings of life as we know it. At least they seemed normal at the time. But now that I decided to sit and write of one particular incident over this last weekend, as I peered at my calender, I realized that amazing, out of the norm, Magickal happenings occurred right before my eyes. And I did not even realize it. But isn't that what life is all about? The small changes that guide us gently into the directions that we must go?

Isn't that what the New Moon is all about? To make changes. Small or large. About life, love, family, friends, work, personal awareness. It is a great time to take on new endeavors. To begin a new career. To work on personal changes. To start new projects. And as the Moon grows to its full and robust self with strength and power so shall these new changes in life grow and become a part of us.

My friend of old, Superman, had a few things happen to him over this New Moon cycle. He at last found a connection with his Mother. He flew up to see her this last week to strengthen the bond between them. Right before moving to Albacookie (as Cat in the Hat calls it), NM to be closer to his son. A new life awaits him in NM. Hopefully a life that will fulfill his hopes and dreams. Even those hopes and dreams that he is not yet aware of.

My husband, where from here on out will be knighted Lord of the Manor, received his Lairdship from Scotland for his birthday. It was something small and whimsical but I swear his shoulders are a little more straighter as he wears his new title with pride.

Cat in th Hat has yet lost another tooth. Right in front. On the top. There lays a gaping hole where the shiny pearl once resided. A hole that she proudly shows off to any person that is not as squeamish as I am to look at it. Although she has been losing teeth for a few years now, every shining pearl lost is one step closer to being older. As far as she is concerned any ways.

And last but not least Thing two. What can I say about my son and his great personal change?

"Mommy. Mommy. Come look!" Thing Two screamed happily across the house.
"What is it?" I cautiously asked.
"Look! I can see my penis!" Exclaimed my son in great pride.

As he pulls the skin ALL the way back and the shiny pink head pokes out.

He now has a whole new way of playing with his toy of choice.


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