Friday, August 1, 2008


Lammas is the first harvest celebration of the year. In the world of agriculture it is the slight leanings towards Autumn. The giving life of the sun is diminishing and darkness is slowly rolling across the skies. What was planted is now in full bloom and the reaping of what was toiled begins. It is the harvest of wheat that is celebrated at this Sabbat. Warm loaves of bread are baked and wheat stalks are entwined for Magickal decorations. A celebration of bountifulness commences and the Gods are thanked for all the blessings that are given.

I have always had a hard time with the harvest festivals. City girls completely removed from the cycles of Mother Earth usually do. Although I know more now of the growing seasons I am still the reaper of plants and prefer to purchase my food instead of grow/kill it. And what makes this years wheat harvest even more horrid to celebrate is the fact that I am now wheat free. So what is left to celebrate?

Most "Urban Witches" fall back on the bounty in their lives. Reaping the blessings of their planted desires from Springs Equinox. Fruitions of desired health, wealth, love and family. I, however, am careful not to plant these seeds in the Spring in fear of what may come of them. A hearts desire may not match that which is written. And what of the sacrifices that will be made for these requests? For even wishes must be paid for.


Yet here I sit on this barren ground. There are no whispering winds to carry my dreams upon. No deep fertile soil to nourish my roots. No thirst quenching water to nourish my soul. No life giving sun to light my way. Perhaps I have over toiled this plot in my life. Leaving me tired, empty and fruitless.

And then I found this:

"There is a time of beginning, a time
of growth, a time of being, a time of withering or wearing out, and a time
of leaving. This is all part of the perfection of life. I sense it as normal
and natural, and though saddened at times, I accept the cycle and rhythms.
Sometimes there is an abrupt ending in mid-cycle."

............and it brought me back to the reality of life. I then realized that I am stuck here. Have been for awhile. I suppose it is because I haven't yet figured out how to transition into this. In the past it has always been a physical move. Away from people, places and things. Shedding the old life for a new one. Now I need to learn how to transition without the help from the physical realm. Relying completely on the spirit within. And perhaps the change within will change the physical and my life will be fertile and in bloom once again.

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