Sunday, August 26, 2007

Thing One came down with a nasty old sinus infection at midnight this last Thursday. She is very prone to them. Poor thing. There are just some things a Mom and Dad wishes would NOT be passed down through the creation of life.

Like The Lord of the Houses unibrow. Don't get me wrong. It is one of the reasons I fell in love with him. But for that gene to come alive in one of my girls is not a pretty sight. Thank the Goddess for modern technology. She will be receiving one big apology and a gift card to an Electrologist for her 16Th birthday. Or the fact that the girls got my tangly/frizzy hair instead of their Dad's naturally curly and never knotty locks. We bought stock in a detangler spray as soon as we found out. Or like Thing One's allergies which she also got from me.

Out with the homeopathic books and drugs and out of the bed went The Lord of the House so Thing One can find a comfy spot next to Mom. I treated her all night in hopes that she will be fine for school the next day. I mean really. She just started liking it. I didn't want her to have the chance of getting comfy at home again. But to my dismay she was not 100% better the next morning. And I blame most of it on the damn mosquito sprayers.

They drove through our neighborhood that night at two in the morning. With their loud high pitch shriek and their toxic chemicals that kill every good bug in sight as well as the old mosquito's but not their larva. They are so obnoxious with their self righteous toxic view point and their irritating desire to ruin our health.

Irritating is the word for it. Because this entire weekend has been filled with irritated throats and headaches ands crankiness.

So here we sat the weekend out in PJ's. Playing puzzles. Coloring. Watching movies. Working on one art project. See, we had stuffed clams for dinner Friday night and Cat in the Hat thought it would be a good idea to keep the shells. Here are the results.
From upper right and around: Thing One's, Cat in the Hat's, Thing Two's and mine.

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